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Monaghan Biodiversity Town Promotion Project - spreading the word on urban biodiversity.


Tionscadal Cur Chun Cinn Bhaile Bithéagsúlachta Mhuineacháin - ag scaipeadh an eolais ar bhithéagsúlacht uirbeach


Ba mhór againn cuidiú a thug na gníomhaireachtaí seo luaite : Grúpa Forbartha Áitiúil Forbairt Chomhtháite Mhuineacháin Theoranta , Comhairle Chontae Mhuineachán , an Roinn Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail chomh maith le Ciste Eorpach Talamhaíochta le Forbartha Tacaíochta áitúila don Scéim seo a chuir i bfheidhm.

We would like to acknowledge the assistance of Monaghan Local Action Group (LAG), Monaghan Integrated Development CLG, Monaghan County Council, the Minister and Department of Rural and Community Development and ‘The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas’ in funding this project.

Click here for more information on the Department of Rural and Community Development.

Click here for information on the European agricultural fund for rural development.

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